Our Impact Report for 2022 outlines our strategy to affect the greatest change possible, given our status as a rather small (but powerful!) branding agency. We wanted it to be engaging and fun - something that could hold your attention and deliver a message at the same time.
We've been a certified B Corp for over a year now, and we wanted to document our journey throughout 2022. We wanted to create a physical document, that would become an artifact, a souvenir that celbrates our efforts over the last 12 months.
Get in touch if you'd like us to send you a printed copy
Read the whole report on Issuu here.
Or view and download a PDF here.
Much more than just creating a PDF document that lived for seconds in your inbox, we wanted to make something that could sit on your desk or coffee table, something taht you'd come back to more than once. Something that might inspire other businesses and agenciews to start their own journeys.
Impact Reports can get quite righteous, so we wanted to have some fun with the style, and make sure the content was framed by a mood that didn't take itself too seriously.

The report is printed on fully recycled tabloid newspaper stock. Feels soft and textured. Smells wonderful.

Each of the strategy pages finishes with a number of goals for 2023. We aim to be accountable for all of them.

The aim of the report and our entire strategy is to make change, so this emoji-punch feels like a significant icon with a powerful message. Make a change!